10 years tour guide experience; professional guide service; excellent English speaking; tailor making trip ability; rich history and culture knowledge; pleasant personality; always warm feedback… I am looking forward to meeting you and showing you all the amazing things here. Hoping to be the one to take you around and show you the delights of tourism where you can indulge not only in the mainstream sightseeing but also enjoy gourmet meals and other pleasures. All what you may need for an unique trip in Egypt! Count me in! I can offer any kind of tour with cheap price . I will take into consideration all your requests and i am entirely flexible to your needs.
16 years tour guide experience; professional guide service; excellent English speaking; tailor making trip ability; rich history and culture knowledge; pleasant personality; always warm feedback… I am looking forward to meeting you and showing you all the amazing things here. Hoping to be the one to take you around and show you the delights of tourism where you can indulge not only in the mainstream sightseeing but also enjoy gourmet meals and other pleasures.
All what you may need for an unique trip in Egypt! Count me in! I can offer any kind of tour with cheap price . I will take into consideration all your requests and i am entirely flexible to your needs.16 years tour guide experience; professional guide service; excellent English speaking; tailor making trip ability; rich history and culture knowledge; pleasant personality; always warm feedback… I am looking forward to meeting you and showing you all the amazing things here. Hoping to be the one to take you around and show you the delights of tourism where you can indulge not only in the mainstream sightseeing but also enjoy gourmet meals and other pleasures.
All what you may need for an unique trip in Egypt! Count me in! I can offer any kind of tour with cheap price . I will take into consideration all your requests and i am entirely flexible to your needs.Hi every body around the globe my name is Amir Sadek which means prince sadek means honest so honesty is main contract between me and my clients .
im a university graduate master degree in Egyptolgy and studied how to guide tourists for 4 years in high studies Diploma. More than 15 years experience in the field why you book me cause in Egypt you always need an Egyptolgy guid to explain the history of the country it is 10 thousands years of history my target is byoned your satisfaction and expectations .I work on abase fun for less 
pleasure out of measure the cheapest price ever for the best service.
Plus with me you don't see only sightseeing but also locals how they live talk customes and traditions you need to know the people of the country you are visiting .in which I can say that im perfect .
im afreind for everyone I welcome everybody to my country .
I would love to have you with me in your visit in Egypt. Love and peace for everyone
I think I can offer good and interistings things for children.
as a free Lance guid i worked with intinternational tour companies .i am able to arrange tours all over the country of Egypt i love working with families individuals and also arrange for groups aIso book hotels cruise
1. Member of Egyptian general tourist guides syndicate
2. Member of W.F.T.G.A.
3. Member of ministry of tourism guides
4. A master degree in Egyptolgy
5. Guiding tourists since 15 years ago around all Egypt.
6. Licensed a license from the ministry of tourism and W.F.T.G.A. and Egyptian general tourist guides syndicate
7. I was born in a small village in luxor and raised among the villages of luxor moved to cairo to complete Education living now in Gi beside the pyramids So I have experience in
main 3 place es og Egypt that tourists visit
cairo Giza luxor plus Aswan as I used to do cruise along between luxor and ASWAN so I know every single part of these places .
well known in Luxor Aswan and Giza.
Trough years iv been learning alot about my
country and it's history I'm proud of my country proud of being aguid knows about his country .it's history of 10 thousands years .cultur of the English speaking countries I would love to share this information with you
love .happiness peace for everybody
Jeg lever og ånder for Egypten og for at vise dette skønne land og dets skatte frem. Du vil opdage Egypten sammen med mig, og rejse tilbage i historien - fra oldtidens Egypten og helt frem til nutiden.
Jeg har læst ægyptologi og turisme fire år på universitetet (1996 - 2000). I 2004 begyndte jeg at arbejde med danskere, blev tiltrukket af kulturen og mentaliteten, .
Fra 2008 begyndte jeg at køre klassiske ture og udflugter samt Nilkrydstogter på Nilen og ørkensafari hos mange forskellige danske rejseselskaber.
Sammen med mig, vil du se Egypten med danske øjne.
BA i Turisme og Hotel Bestyrelse; Tour Guide +Egyptolog
Jeg har sidst været i landet privat eller m/gruppe
Fastboende i Egypten
Kunder har sagt
"alle steder fortalte Amir på flot dansk med charmerende accent og stor begejstring og viden om det gamle Egypten.
Mine interesser
Historie, seværdigheder, nilkrydstogt, ørkensafari, kultur, samfund, religion, mentalitet, traditioner, rundrejser, rundvisning, sejlture og køretur
Erfaring fra følgende lande